Sunday, September 27, 2009

poem fragments...i will turn this into something someday.

like my brother sans his fix, 

my body was shaking.

u left me and asked if i was okay.

i nodded, but it didn't matter.  you still went away.

i run and run, chasing a high.

but i swear all my endorphins have been used up.

after, i still feel the same.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

an everyday occurrence

I was shopping at the mall, just earlier today

Oceans of people passed me by, passed my way.

Afraid to make eye contact, afraid to look into their souls

I avoid connection, afraid of what a mild encounter might hold.

I hate their stabbing eyes, looking me up and down.

I loathe their stares, raping me, making me feel like their sex clown.